
The security solution
for commercial sites.

Efficiently secure your site with CountAct,
your daily ally for optimal responsiveness and protection of your employees.

Why commercial sites can
be secured with CountAct​

Gone are the days when your security organization due to telecommuting
or FlexOffice.

Daily qualitative feedback.

Assigning and monitoring health and safety tasks.

Real-time visibility of human and material resources.

Business Intelligence to manage your security.

Mockup property safety

You can now benefit from
a structured process for
your emergency evacuation procedures.

Appropriate evacuation instructions.

Real-time evacuation control for managers.

Active census at assembly points.

One-click checklists for every emergency.

Feedback of post-crisis indicators to improve safety management.

Finally, reinforce your in-house
security policy.

Assigning and monitoring health and safety tasks.

Instant, centralized traceability.

Setting safety targets.

Internal risk mapping.

Mockup goals

Let's discuss your issues
at your tertiary site

We’ll answer all your questions during a 30-minute video conference.